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Covid-19 : Sustaining a Healthy Building Environment

Covid-19 : Sustaining a Healthy Building Environment

Ambient Mechanical's ongoing commitment remains focused on serving our valued clients by leveraging effective communication and modern technology that protects and improves our lives. Re-occurring pandemic challenges present a dynamic and evolving environment unknown to our current generation. However, there are potential HVAC system enhancements that both mitigate pandemic risk as well as improve overall health conditions in the workplace.

We recognize that the current pandemic has a short list of evidence-based primary measures to mitigate the impact of health threats. These measures include increased personal hygiene measures like hand washing, the use of PPE's, frequent touch surface sanitation along with personal distancing. Ambient continues to research and source additional secondary measures within the HVAC sector that are part of a collective approach but not regarded as a solution by itself. 

Secondary enhancements considered part of an overall healthy building include:

  • Increased volumes of fresh outside air

  • Improved air filtration (MERV 8 to MERV 13)

  • Increased diligence of AHU internal component inspections and cleaning

  • Air stream sterilization to remove bio-contaminants using germicidal UVC

  • Ongoing quality control processes that monitor and validate your investment

Note: these options require pre-qualification and case by case assessment to ensure infrastructure compatibility.

Your Ambient Mechanical representative is available to customize a cost-effective solution that best meets your requirements.  


Visit our website at http://www.ambientmechanical.ca

Author:Bob Reilly, Business Development Manager
Tags:Covid-19Sustainable BuildingsArticles from the ExpertsExperts CornerHVAC News & Tips